Yesterday was fun fun fun under the sun!
Woke up kinda earlyish (for me, around 9.30). Messaged the kitten good morning as I always do, then I bummed about the house a bit until Bryan came over, to pick up some of my brother’s books for his Battletech campaign. He stayed till about 11, then I left the house at about 12 or so, with a bag of my mum’s potato fritters in hand, for Tiong Bahru, to meet Maddy, Mitzi, Ling and Jim.
Got there slightly late at ten past 1 and noticed kitten and Mitzi eating Old Chang Kee. Kitten was eating some deep fried squid thing (blech, tentacles), and Mitz was eating some Sotong balls. I thought that we were going to leave immediately for Sentosa (I was impatient to go tanning. Hee.) but then was told that we were waiting for Heinz, Jason and Kenneth to come down. They came about 10-20 minutes later, and then had lunch. Following that, it was off on the bus to Sentosa! We reached there soon after, and then I helped Maddy, Mitz and Ling buy their tix. Boarded the Blue Line bus for Siloso, on our way to meet Adrian, Huishi, John, Kris, Lynn, Lili, Liling, and all. I went to the toilet to change into my trunks, while me kitten applied some sunblock (or was it suntan?) lotion on herself. After I came back from the toilet, we waded in the water for a while (really, really nice refreshing and cold change from the hot sands), splashed around a lot, swam a little and stuff like that.
Then, we all decided to walk (or wade) to the nearby lagoon where the last time we were there, Kenneth and Jim had their ‘roll down the sandy slope’ competition. Jim won that one, incidentally. Some of us swam to the opposite shore to suntan, and I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the kitten to swim over. She stayed with Lynn while I swam over with Jim, Jason, Heinz, Ling, Mitz, Adrian, Huishi, and Kenneth. We all applied liberal amounts of the oil, with guru Adrian instructing most of us of the more strategic places to apply it. Haha. Then, we lay down in the sand, like beached whales getting roasted, with Jim keeping time. “Okay, turn!” *everyone turns over* This happened every 10 minutes, for about half an hour. Haha. Oh, Jessica, Heinz’s friend came over to our side with her Dark Tan SPF 0 (Which I didn’t even knew existed). Oh well, I shrugged. Back to tanning.
Saw with Blurry Vision™ that the girls were over on the other side, in a circle, but I’m not too sure what they were doing over there. Gossip and other things I’m guessing. =p
Eventually, got tired of lying in the sand and went into the sea to wash off. Started playing Frisbee with Jim and Jason, pointless but still fun. We kept setting new conditions (Catch with left hand! Go back further! Etc) until we got tired of it. It was fun with Kenneth heckling Jim whenever he caught the Frisbee. Play by play commentary! Kenneth is funny. So then, we decided to swim back over to the other side to dry off and eat some food (Jim and the others played mahjong. Hardcore they are) and my mum’s potato fritters disappeared in a flash. Kitten noticed I was bleeding a little from a cut I mysteriously obtained, and cleaned up my wound for me. Its little things like that that really show how much a person cares for someone. Hee. I love you too darling.
That was at about… 4.30 or so. I went off to a nearby pavilion with the Kitten, and was enjoying her company when we saw a peacock coming closer and closer to the pavilion. We were watching it bemused as some girls were staring at it from behind. Haha. It came ever closer to us, like about a meter away, before it ran off since the girls behind it came closer. We thought it was looking for the peahens, which it eventually did. To our delight (and the girls’ delight too apparently) the peacock began to spread out its tail feathers. It shook it’s booty a little to attract the peahens, but none came over to it. The girls were happily taking photos of it, but when they tried to pose with it, it kept running away. Hahaha. Serves them right. Jason was watching this spectacle with us as kitten teased him about having the tail feathers too. =p
Walked back to the tables where everyone was, as kitten went to bathe. I watched the guys play, and I learned a little about Mahjong. (Still not gonna be joining any games soon, though) until about 6. The girls (including kitten) had gone off to the toilets to shower, and change, so we waited for them. Then, me, John and Heinz went over to the showers while I got some shampoo and body soap from Mitzi (Which I forgot to return. Sorry!) and walked over to the showers. They were really crowded, so John suggested that we go over to the one at Palawan beach which was like a km away. But it was worth it though, seeing as how empty and clean (much cleaner) than the one at Siloso was.
It was funny to hear John, who hadn’t brought any footwear along, complaining about his aching feet as we trudged our way over to the mystical, fabled clean toilets of Sentosa. Made our way there eventually, and then spent a good 10 minutes or so scrubbing ourselves nice and clean. I finished first, John next and naturally Heinz (in bronze goddess mode, DAMN that’s a deep tan) came out last. Haha. Me and John borrowed Heinz’s facial wash, and came out of it having our faces smooth like a sandpapered baby’s bottom.
Made our way back (it was about 7 or so, I think), with John complaining along the way again. Haha. Saw Jim, Adrian and Kenneth come out of the dirty showers, so yeah. Our investment more or less paid off. Everyone was all nice and clean, so we all decided to leave for the mainland. John and Kris, lost in their own little world, walked off the wrong way. Silly people. Haha. Boarded the bus, and we went off to Tiong Bahru. We all eventually decided to go over to Raffles City Shopping Centre so it was easier for Mitzi to go home that way.
After some walking around, we all decided (me, grudgingly) to eat at Subway. Kitten doesn’t like bread so she went to the Soup Spoon with Mitzi to buy some Boston clam chowder (Chunky!), and Mitzi bought some tangy wedges thing. I mentioned that I wanted to eat some onion rings, so kitten went off to buy them for me. I then sneaked, ninja style (okay, not really) to the florist to see if I could get any purple tulips, since kitten said those were her favourite. Lucky day, I did manage to get it (could only afford to buy one stalk, though. Sigh) so I waited back at the table for kitten to come back with the onion rings.
Surprised her with the flower, and totally loved seeing her reaction to it. I guess I just love seeing her happy. ^_^
We all finished off our food, with kitten sneaking bites of my sandwich filling (not the bread though. Hee). Was getting kinda late so me, kitten, Mitz, Lynn, and Pam went to the MRT while we bid the rest goodbye. Pam took the North route train, so it was down to just the four of us. We got down at Bedok MRT to send Mitz on the way home, to make sure she was okay. In the bus (I forgot where it was, though), kitten was telling me about how when I saw her over in the afternoon, on opposite sides of the road, Ling told her that she’d never seen me smile so much. And I guess that’s true, she makes me happier than I have ever been before in my life. And seeing her happy, well, that’s just like having everything I’ve ever wanted before 10 times over. It’s a fantastic, warm, fuzzy feeling inside when we’re both happy.
She was also telling me how about everyone thought I was a really nice guy. She was talking to Kristine while we were all in the shower, too. Being nice for me, it’s just natural on my part. Why be an asshole, that just takes more effort. I’d rather put a smile on someone’s face than leave them scowling. I do have some bad moments sometimes but it’s never out of a malicious intent of mine. I’m just happy to be alive, and to be surrounded by people I love, especially my most darling kitten Maddy. Love you lots.
Spent some time with kitten at our spot near the MRT station, then I had to leave. I wish I didn’t have to, but if I didn’t my mother would freak. So I made my way home eventually, read up my stuff online and then crawled into bed, where I fell fast asleep.
This is actually my third time blogging all this (danged circuit breaker), haha. Good thing I finally did it.
Oh well. See all of y’all around! Take care peeps.