At home now, earlier than scheduled because I'm on Attend C. Can't complain much since I get a nice, longer weekend I suppose. It would've been so much better if my head didn't feel like a jackhammer though. I've got my Situational test coming up soon, but I'm so vehemently against the idea of going to Command School that I'll probably not do very well for it. (*wink*)
I could go to Command School if I wanted though, but... that's just it. I don't want to. I just want a nice posting where I can book out everyday, and see my kitten anytime I want to, and that has absolutely nothing to do with combat. I know, we can't always get what we want. But wanting... if you don't have any desires, if you don't actively strive for that something better in life, well, you might as well die now. I never saw a point in the defeatist POV, that "oh, I'll never get something like that."
Maybe it's because I've mostly gotten what I strived for. Getting a place in SJI, in CMM, for example. Maybe I'm used to getting what I want. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing I can't say for sure.
I do know, however, that I'll soon be out of the hellhole known as Pulau Tekong. And the rest of my life ahead.