Friday, February 21, 2003

Haven't updated in a while. Is it because I'm too busy or is there a lack of activity in my life? =/

Been involved in open house preperations and the open house itself for the past few days. Exhausting work. At our peak we were entertaining like 40-50 people at a time, non-stop. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing the same videos over and over again. What the hell.

Absolutely none of the people we saw today seem to have any interest at all in joining the course. So why bother looking around? Most of them looked pretty CMI in the first place anyway. Ah well.

I hate having nothing to write about in the blog, makes it kinda pointless don't you think? But hey, staying out of the spotlight is a good thing in itself. You don't get involved in all kinds of politics, power plays, the 10 or 20 different sides out there - I'm pretty much the human equivalent of Switzerland! Heh.

Back to C&C Generals for me!

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