Monday, May 12, 2003

Many dream and never wake,
Another one whose love forsake
Doubly certain true love never find
Doubly certain happiness was lost.
Yesteryear is but a dream

It must be realised, throughout one's life
Lucidity or reality, they must be distinguished
Only you could cast this spell upon me.
Virtual worlds, they are but dreams.
Except that this I know, is no dream.

Yes, it's true, true love I've found.
Over head and heels, you have me bound
Unaware, blissfully, of the spell you weave.

Heh. took me a while to write that one. It's not too good unfortunately.... but I did put extra effort in there to convey an underlying message.

Woke up pretty early today to go to school to work out, unfortunately while getting ready I found out that the gym, track, and reservoir were closed. So what to do? I went to school anyway. Just to see her. =)
I hung around for various people's shifts, mainly cause I was bored. Heh. Huishi and Siwei, Eddie and KB, Mitzi and Edna. Eventually, we left at about 3 to go to town to pick up Priya's present. We being Eddie, Me, KB, Adrian, and Maddy, Mitzi, Edna and Huishi. We almost bought her a dildo as a joke, but then decided not to. After all, what if her parents found it? I doubt they'd ask to borrow it, so we got her some massage lotion that was billed as 'erotic'. "Warm when you apply it, hot when you blow!" So, happy with our somewhat less R(A) present, we went to go eat while KB and Edna went home.

After that, went browsing around various toy shops, kitten bought herself another pony, and generally we had a good time hanging out. I swear, it's such a relief to do so without the spectre of deadlines hanging over our heads. Kinda like a portable reaper. Polunin, I swear you stole a little of my soul. BLOOD AND TEARS, MAN! But hey, it's over, it's done, and now it's the (current) year ones' turn to go through shit! YAY!

So having pretty much nothing else to do, we head on over to @omix to just drop in and say hi to Indy and Co., and then we headed off to the MRT (me and kitten at least. The rest more or less headed in different directions from there). Waited for her train first, then reluctantly parted company and went home. It was a pretty long and tiring day, but I enjoyed it thoroughly nonetheless. =)

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