Thursday, April 17, 2003

Ah, I needed to wax lyrical for a moment. Now that THAT'S all out of my system...

Woke up super early today to get ready for CCC presentation. You all know what disaster happened, but we managed to get through it without too much trouble - I think Ms. Chuah took pity on our woefully underprepared group. =D

After that, slacked around in school a bit to loosen up - one more hurdle was cleared! Then I somehow took about 4 hours to bang out quick script for Single Cam, then it was off to Bugis with Maddy. Satisfied my comic fix (Soldier X and Exiles are great stories. Pity Soldier X's been cancelled. Sigh.) then went to go meet Dan and Jon at Bras Basah to eat and talk crap. Then, followed Dan as he went to Sasha Bear's to buy some bears for his female friends, then made our way to @omix. Watched Maddy squeal in delight over Anabelle, then went to the Lucky Plaza branch to see what I could get for Danny's birthday (Enjoy those BoP figures!). Then, went home supremely tired.

But happy!

"Don't argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."

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